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Chris Sheng

Chapter 9- Step 6: Testing

After you’ve built up your different persona types for your consumer base, you want to start testing, testing, testing. The purpose is to optimize and improve your product as much as possible in addition to figuring out which of your audience members are most likely to turn into customers.

To start this off, you want to gather a few of your persona groups.

Step 1. Gather your groups and create a contact list with an even number of people within each cohort.

Let’s say you have 3 targeted persona types that you want to test, and within these 3 groups, you build a contact list of 100 people for each persona type.

In doing this you then create 3 different email sequences. One for each persona.

Step 2: Email Sequence

Taking the previous language from the research you've conducted, use the pain points catered around each persona and the benefits of your product, and format a message to best fit each target group. After creating the message, you then launch the sequences live across all groups.

For this example, let's say the results of the email(s) are:

  • Persona A: 20 responses, 10 interested, 10 not a fit

  • Persona B: 15 responses, 5 interested, 10 circle back later

  • Persona C: 20 responses, 15 interested, 5 not a fit

Step 3: Determine the Best Sequence

You want to focus on the sequence that gave you the best results. In this case, we would be focusing on Persona C since there were a total of 20 responses AND 15 people who were interested in your message. This illustrates how leads convert and funnel down into MQLs.

MQLs (market qualified leads) are the people who show initial interest in your product. They are the ones who have taken the first step in becoming customers and are the closest to eventually buying your product.

Step 4: List Building the Best Sequence

After finding the best email sequence, you want to focus on list building for that group. In this case, we are concentrating on Persona C and approaching them by email. At this point, Persona C contains the most MQLs, your best-converting audience.

Step 5: Test Your MQLs

At this point, you want to see what it takes to turn your MQLs into SQLs.

SQLs or sales qualified leads, are individuals who are interested in moving to sales. So whereas MQLs have an interest in your product, SQLs want to begin the buying process.

So how do you get an MQL to become a buyer? You have to test them to find out.

Going back to our previous example, you want to take the 15 MQLs from Persona C (the 15 interested individuals), and test out different converting variations. This can vary as there are hundreds of methods you can test, but for this example, we will focus on testing:

  • Monetary Incentive Approach

  • Research Driven Approach

  • Heavy Sales Approach

Monetary Incentive- Paying your MQLs

  • Ex: Giving your MQLs a monetary stipend to sit through a product demo.

Research Driven- Showing your MQLs humility and expression to learn, gain critiques and criticisms, etc.

  • Ex: "Learn More About Our Product Here!"

Heavy Sales- Really honing in on the pain point messaging and seeing if this can convert your MQLs. Note though that your messaging here has to be good, and I mean out of this world.

  • Ex: "Do you suffer from..."

Ultimately you are testing which of these 3 approaches will turn the most MQLs into SQLs. You then take the approach that works best and follow up with the rest of your MQLs across all personas.

Step 6: Converting SQLs to Customers

Your goal here is to find out what converts leads to actual customers.

For example, using the example above, you are able to get 3 out of 5 MQLs to SQLs by offering them $25 to watch a product demo. If you offered $40 to the next batch, would be you able to convert more than ⅗?

These are the questions you need to be asking yourself.

If a strong messaging approach converts MQLs to SQLs, you need to understand your product's pain point(s) very well and figure out the different ways to deliver that message. You can do it via text, email, video, phone call, etc.

There are a lot of opportunities for you to improve at each stage, it’s just up to you to get creative.

Ultimately, your goal in this chapter is to figure out these three things:

  1. Leads to MQLs

  2. MQLs to SQLs

  3. SQLs to Customers

Figure out which content provides real value to the majority of your leads. Remember to also remove the sales mentality and put on your social good hat. People like those they can relate to and relating back to your audience is going to get you farther than you think.

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